Exciting News! It's 2025, and Black Visions is undergoing a transformation!

Over the next few months, we'll be working closely with community partners to revamp our website and rebrand our organization. We're committed to creating an online hub that truly serves community. Expect a refreshed website and a new logo in April. Stay tuned for updates and exciting announcements

About BLVC


Organizational Vision:

Since 2017, Black Visions Collective, has been putting into practice the lessons learned from organizations before us in order to shape a political home for Black people across Minnesota. We aim to center our work in healing and transformative justice principles, intentionally develop our organizations core “DNA” to ensure sustainability, and develop Minnesota’s emerging Black leadership to lead powerful campaigns. By building movements from the ground up with an integrated model, we are creating the conditions for long term success and transformation.

Black Visions Collective envisions a world in which ALL Black Lives Matter. We use the guidance and brilliance of our ancestors as well as the teachings of our own experiences to pursue our commitment to dismantling systems of oppression and violence. We are determined in our pursuit of dignity and equity for all.